Formal Education
Formal education refers to learning through a program of instruction in an educational institution, adult training center or in the workplace. This type of education is generally recognized in a qualification a certificate.
The basics, academic and trade skills are exposed to the person through formal education.
Thus, this form of education is also referred to as mainstream or traditional education.
Formal education is organized, guided by a formal curriculum; leads to a formally recognized credential such as a high school completion diploma or a degree, and is often guided and recognized by the government at some level.
Teachers are usually trained as professionals in some way.
Teachers are usually trained as professionals in some way.
Non Formal Education
Non-formal education is organized (even if it is only loosely organized), may or may not be guided by a formal curriculum.
This type of education may be led by a qualified teacher or by a leader with more experience.
Though it doesn't result in a formal degree or diploma, non-formal education is highly enriching and builds an individual's skills and capacities.
Informal Education
Informal education involves no formal curriculum and no credits earned.
The teacher is simply someone with more experience such as a parent, grandparent or a friend.
A father teaching his child to play catch or a babysitter teaching a child their ABC's is an example of informal education.
These may be overly simplified explanations. There are times when the lines between each type of learning get blurred, as well. It isn't always as cut and dry as it seems, but these definitions give you a general idea of each type of learning.